0224 - Kanji Made Fun & Easy: Introduction
Course Description
You will discover in this course that the journey of learning kanji can be fun and meaningful. This course will help you recognize components of kanji, tips and tricks to learn kanji based on useful kanji when you travel in Japan. Students will practice strategies for using contextual clues to figure out the meaning of texts with unknown kanji. It’s useful and informative for both who have no prior knowledge of kanji and who have learned kanji before but want to polish their skills. Either way, you will learn kanji through enjoyable and meaningful activities and acquire new tips and tricks along the way to keep yourself motivated to continue learning. So come join the course and experience the lifelong joy of mastering kanji. The extraordinary journey is at your fingertips!
Course Outline
For the first and second lessons, you will learn about the basic knowledge of kanji and learn some ideas for memorizing kanji. From the third lesson onward, you will learn or research kanji for traveling through fun activities and games. While learning the kanji, you will also gain the strategies of understanding the meaning of kanji words without having prior knowledge of the kanji.
Learner Outcomes
In this 6-week course, you will learn:
• where kanji came from
• how kanji are written
• components of kanji, and tips and tricks to help you recognize
• useful kanji for traveling, such as transportation
• enjoyable and practical activities
• to motivate yourself so you can be “obsessed” with kanji characters!
This course will not require a textbook.
You must be at least 18 years old on the first day of instruction in order to enroll in this course.
Students are expected to be able to read hiragana.